Injecting Secrets into a Kubernetes Cluster


Deeper Dive

For more in-depth information, check out our detailed documentation on the following topics:

Kubernetes PluginProvisioning a Secret into a Kubernetes cluster


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Below is a text-only guide for users based on the above video

Why use a Secrets Management Platform to Manage Kubernetes Secrets?

There are a few reasons to use an external secrets management platform for managing Kubernetes secrets:

  1. Kubernetes stores secrets unencrypted. Therefore, anyone with access to the cluster can decode the values.
  2. With secrets in so many scripts, repos, and config files it can cause bottlenecks and operational problems for an organization.
  3. It's better to keep secrets externally for modern app development where the app has no state locally and everything is kept in environment variables or external files to enable a more microservices-based architecture.

How does Akeyless Inject Secrets into Kubernetes?

Akeyless has a Kubernetes plugin with a webhook which listens for events and injects an executable into containers inside a pod which request secrets from Akeyless through annotations in the file. You can inject secrets using an init container or sidecar container.

Init Container

With an init container, the secret is pre-populated into the pod before the app starts as part of the pod lifecycle. The webhook looks for annotations that correspond to specific schema and adds an init container that authenticates. The app then reads secrets from Akeyless through environment variables.

Sidecar Container

With a sidecar container, another container runs alongside the init container which tracks change to secrets and you can configure the interval that it checks for any changes to secrets and inject secrets into the filesystem of the pod. This is good for when the secret changes or the application is long-lasting and needs to re-authenticate regularly to grab the secret.

Set Up a Secret in Akeyless



  1. Ensure that you have a K8s cluster and Helm installed before you begin. Again, we are using Amazon EKS for this demo.
  2. A K8s authentication method (see here if you aren't sure).
  3. K8s v1.16 and later (to use
  4. MutatingAdmissionWebhook admission controllers enabled (should be by default). This topic provides a recommended set of admission controllers to enable in general.

Create a static secret or dynamic secret in Akeyless.

We will use the static secret we already have called MyFirstSecret:

Create a K8s authentication method.

We already have one set up called my-k8s-auth-method that we will use (if you don't have one, see this link):

Create a Role and associate the authentication method.

We already have it associated with the 'admin' role. Best practice is to associate with a role with tighter permissions.

Configure the Akeyless K8s Plugin

Install Helm. The Akeyless Helm chart is available here.

Run the following commands to install the Helm chart:

helm repo add akeyless
helm repo update

Fetch the values.yaml file locally, and modify the access credential values in the file using the following command:

helm show values akeyless/akeyless-secrets-injection > values.yaml

Edit the file values.yaml on your desktop or using an editor such as 'vi'. For example:

vi values.yaml

Once inside the file, find the following values and edit them as follows:



Make sure to use port 8080 in your Gateway URL.

AKEYLESS_ACCESS_ID: "<your-k8s-auth-method-access-id>"
AKEYLESS_K8S_AUTH_CONF_NAME: "<your-k8s-conf-name-in-the-gateway>"
AKEYLESS_API_GW_URL: "https://gateway.url:8080"

On your K8s cluster, create a new namespace (we called it Akeyless):

kubectl create namespace akeyless
kubectl label namespace akeyless name=akeyless

Deploy the Helm chart to the namespace:

helm install aks akeyless/akeyless-secrets-injection --namespace akeyless -f values.yaml

Validate the deployment state:

kubectl get all -n akeyless

Output should look something like this:

kubectl get all -n akeyless
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
pod/aks-akeyless-secrets-injection-77c857d496-r5xth   1/1     Running   1 (73s ago)   1d

NAME                                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/aks-akeyless-secrets-injection   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   1d

NAME                                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/aks-akeyless-secrets-injection   1/1     1            1           1d

NAME                                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/aks-akeyless-secrets-injection-77c857d496   1         1         1       1d

Create the init Container and Inject a Secret at Runtime



In this demo, we are using the basic environment variable secret injection option. You can also inject multiple files or even a folder. For more info, check out the docs.

Create a file called env.yaml with the following command which will enable the Akeyless webhook and env annotations to inject 'MyFirstSecret' into the pod's filesystem:

cat << EOF > env.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-secrets
        app: hello-secrets
        akeyless/enabled: "true"
      - name: alpine
        image: alpine
          - "sh"
          - "-c"
          - "echo $MY_SECRET && echo going to sleep... && sleep 10000"
        - name: MY_SECRET
          value: akeyless:/MyFirstSecret

Then run the following command to run it:

kubectl apply -f env.yaml

This will create a new pod called 'test-...' which you can find by running:

kubectl get pods

Copy the full pod name and run:

kubectl logs test-...

You should see output similar to the following showing the Secret Value of the secret inside your pod:

Defaulted container "alpine" out of: alpine, init (init)
<your secret value>
going to sleep...

Sidecar Mode



Sidecar mode will only work with file injection mode.

Create a file called sidecar.yaml with the following command which will enable the Akeyless webhook, sidecar, and injectfile annotations to inject 'MyFirstSecret' into the pod's filesystem as a file:

cat << EOF > sidecar.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test-file
  replicas: 1
      app: file-secrets
        app: file-secrets
        akeyless/enabled: "true"
        akeyless/inject_file: "/MyFirstSecret|location=/secrets/secretsVersion.json" 
        akeyless/side_car_enabled: "true"
        akeyless/side_car_refresh_interval: "30s"
        akeyless/side_car_versions_to_retrieve: "2"
      - name: alpine
        image: alpine
          - "sh"
          - "-c"
          - "cat /secrets/secretsVersion.json && echo going to sleep... && sleep 10000"

Then run the following command to run it:

kubectl apply -f sidecar.yaml

This will create a new pod called 'test-file-...' which you can find by running:

kubectl get pods

Copy the full pod name and run:

kubectl logs test-file-... -c alpine

Because of the annotation akeyless/side_car_versions_to_retrieve: "2", you should see output similar to the following showing the two latest versions of the Secret Value for the secret inside your pod:

    "version": 2,
    "secret_value": "your-latest-secret-value",
    "creation_date": 1234567890
    "version": 1,
    "secret_value": "your-previous-secret-value",
    "creation_date": 1234567890
]going to sleep...

For an in-depth list of annotations and some troubleshooting info, see the docs.