Akeyless Password Manager


Deeper Dive

For more in-depth information, check out our detailed documentation on the following topics:

Akeyless Password Manager

Browser Extension


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Below is a text-only guide for users based on the above video

What is Akeyless Password Manager?

Along with shared team and organization Secrets, Akeyless can also be used to store, manage, generate, and share personal passwords in a simple and secure manner from within Akeyless Console as well as the CLI.

This personal password folder is only visible to you within your account and cannot be accessed by anyone else within, our outside of, the organization. You do have the ability to share specific secrets with anyone.


  1. An Akeyless Account
  2. Chrome or Firefox browser

Install the Password Manager Extension

Go to your browser's Web Store and install the Akeyless Password Manager extension.

You will then start to see a small 'lock' icon next to any Username or Password labeled field in your browser.

Login to enable the Password Manager Extension

Click on the Akeyless logo at the top of your browser and choose your login method you currently use for your Akeyless Console and follow the steps.

You will then see your normal Secrets in the same manner you see them in the console as well as a section titled 'Personal'. This is where your personal passwords for all your other logins will live.

Saving a Login and Password upon form fill

When you want to save a personal login and password for the first time, the simplest way is to go to the login page of that application and fill in your username and password. However, before clicking the login button, click on the small 'lock' icon next to the username and choose "Save to Akeyless".

Next, input the relevant information in the extension popup to save the personal password.

Here are the fields and what they mean:

Name: This is simply the name of the personal password as it will show in the platform and extension.

Location: Optional, this is the path within your Personal folder that you want to keep this one. You can create sub-folders by simply adding a location such as "/email".

Description: Optional, add a description of this personal password to help you remember what it is for.

Tags: Optional, select one or more tags for the secret, or enter the name of a new tag to be added as part of the secret creation.

Protection Key: Optional, select the encryption key with which to encrypt the secret (if your system includes multiple encryption keys). Otherwise, select Default.

Username: Optional, this is the login for the application.

Password: This is the password for the application.

Once you click "Save to Akeyless" this will add your username and password to the Personal folder inside your Akeyless console and can also be viewed within the extension itself.

Sharing a Personal Password

In order to share a personal password, you can click on the three dots icon from either the console or the extension and choose "Share".

From the console:

From the extension:

From the extension, you will then see the following:

Add the 'Email Address', 'Valid for' time, and option tick box if the password should only be allowed to be viewed (clicked on) once, then choose "Get Link To Share".Next, click to copy the link given and send it to the recipient in a secure manner.

Once the recipient received the link, they can click it and verify their email address.

Once they confirm, they will receive an email with a link to click.

Click the link and you will be brought to a stripped down version of the Akeyless console showing the password for you to click on and view.

The password will be deleted once the time limit lapses.